Samira Smajlović

Samira is originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina where she obtained her master’s degree at the Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, International Burch University of Sarajevo. She joined Zoldoš Lab in spring 2018 as an Early Stage Researcher on the Marie Curie ETN-ETN Horizon2020 project IMforFUTURE. She is also a PhD student at the Faulty of Science University of Zagreb investigating the relevance of epigenetic regulation of the HNF1A gene in diabetes type HNF1A-MODY. In December 2018, she spent one-month long secondment at Roche Diagnostics in Penzberg, Germany where she went through the process of glycan analysis, using LC and MS. Trough Marie Curie Alumni Association membership, different public engagement and science popularization activities, she’s been involved in reaching out the wider public and speaking about not only her research but also benefits of participating in MSC actions. She is also involved in teaching (practical courses in Methods of molecular diagnostics and Epigenetics).