Marija Klasić

Marija graduated with a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology at Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. She joined Zoldoš Lab in 2012 as a PhD student and was working at that time on the FP7 project IBD-BIOM „Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for inflammatory bowel disease”. She completed her PhD in Biology in 2018, under the mentorship of Prof. Vlatka Zoldoš, working on epigenetic regulation of the transcription factor BACH2 and its role in immunoglobulin G glycosylation and inflammation. Her main research interest lays in understanding the complex epigenetic mechanisms responsible for alternative IgG glycosylation that occurs in chronic inflammatory diseases. Also, she is studying an interplay between different epigenetic layers and their importance in gene regulation. She is also involved in teaching (practical courses in Molecular Cytogenetics and Epigenetics).